Since 2019 in Advanced Building Design we have run the same project on the same site. When we started doing this a real project on the site was still in design for the site, it is now built!
In that time in our course, 59 different interdisiplinary projects (updated 2024) have been produced by our students. This page gives an overview of the recent development of the course.
- Produced 12 buildings
- This was the 10th year the course had run including:
- Architecture
- Structure
- Geotechnical
- Fire
- PM/ICT subjects.
- Run during a lockdown
- Students formed groups
- The last year that we ran in the autumn.
- It ran from the AgileX website (no longer live but can find the repository here)
- Produced 6 buildings
- Had less teams as it was the first year we ran in the spring
- Also affected by Lockdown
- 2 students in each subject, it was the first time that we had more than one student in each subject.
- Received teaching and learning fund from DTU and worked with Thomas Krijnen to develop a rule checking system.
- Produced 11 buildings
- Introduced the Beats to help the high level monitoring of the projects.
- Documented in McGinley & Krijnen (2021)
- Produced 9 buildings
- Documented in McGinley & Karlshøj (2022)
- Produced 9 buildings
- Added a materials subject for the first time.
- Added 2 weeks of physical model building at the start of the course, to support the team to develop an interdisciplinary understanding of the challenges of the project.
- Added the summary poster.
- Added the CO2 e / m2 / permanant desk, to get a comparable idea of the sustainability of the building.y
- Added a drawing pin up session in week 7.
- Added the DGNB-Lite schema to support sustainability assessment in the course. We wrote about this version in McGinley et. al. (2023) and McGinley & Krijnen (2023).
2024 - 12 Buildings
- Produced 12 buildings
- Did not include a geotechnical or material subject (only for this year).
- Incorporated the fire subject (evacuation) into Architecture.
- This year got a summary poster.
- First year it was a mandatory course for civil engineering MSc which resulted in large number of students who wanted to take the structures subject.
- Effort to put the course information information into Github.
- Effort to consolidate project information into DTU Learn.
- Applied for funding to develop an Advanced Building Design Lab.
- Define equally divided assessment weight on:
- integration (all information the same)
- project (do what the client wants)
- subject (do waht the subject teacher wants)
2025 - ?
- Produced x buildings
- Reduced height from 100 to 27 meters to align wiht local plan
- A new focus on renovation.
- Gained input to project breif from DTU Campus Service
- Extended the physical modelling exercise to focus on interdisciplinary design in stage A.
- Reintroduced the Geotech and Materails subjects
- Reframed ‘teachers’ as ‘cheif consultants
- Required subject groups to simulate the formation and management of the finances for their own consultancy.
- Aligned course requirements and stages to DGNB 2025
- Reduced the number of lectures to give more collaboration team
- Introduced buddy groups
- Switched the github site from Jekyll to Sphinx documentation.
- Add mentors
- Add acoustics to Architecture