N.B you are not expected to create a ‘real’ company, but part of the course is to give you a realistic experience of starting and managing your own consultancy. So we simulate it.
Your ‘company’ has the following responsibilities:
Don’t go bankrupt
Pay all employees on time
Be responsible and independent
Provide sound consultancy
Understand the needs of the client
Write invoices to the PMs (except PMs who write to the client).
Produce work on time.
Document hours weekly.
Act professionally at all times
Speak up when you are not sure
Engage in continuous professional development and life long learning practices.
Put the needs of the project first and accept change as part of the process.
Once you have chosen your subject. You can then create a company within the project.
All companies start with an operating budget of 100.000 DKK.
You must declare when you start your project if you will charge 700, 900 or 1.100 DKK per person per hour. You will be expected to fill in your hours each week and provide these to your PM so they can calculate the design cost of the project starting in week 2. Although from a 10 year maintenance view this is not a significant cost for the project.
You will be audited at the end of the project as part of the assessment of your performance. It is therefore important to carefully log your hours and invoice the project manager in a timely manner.