DGNB overview#

This year we are continuing the experiment to introduce DGNB [add ref] into the course. ~~Your PM will choose what level your team is aiming at and then different criteria and associated points will be available to you each week.~~

Project stage

DGNB-lite indicator


Responsible subject

Total points


ENV 1.1

Building Life Cycle Assessment




ENV 1.2

Sustainable resource use




ENV 1.3

Primary energy need and degree covered by renewable energy




ENV 1.4

Water use and wastewater reduction





Flexibility and adaptability





LCC and continues cost estimation





Commercial access





Design for all





Technical user comfort





Ease of recovery and recycling





Ease of cleaning building components





Mobility infrastructure





Quality of the building envelope





Use and integration of building technology





Comprehensive project brief (A)





Transdisciplinary collaboration and co-design





Sustainability aspects in tender phase





End user considerations during design process





Comprehensive project brief (C)



DGNB-lite: 41936 Advanced Building Design 2024 - DTU Construct#

What is DGNB and DGNB-lite?#

DGNB is a certification system regarding sustainable building produced by German Sustainable Building Council (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Nachhaltiges Bauen). It translates various factors that dictate sustainable planning and construction into practical application.

The conceptual principles of DGNB revolve around a holistic understanding of sustainability, encompassing not only the environmental(ENV) impact that is usually quoted when referring to sustainability, but also other aspects such as socialcultural(SOC), economic(ECO), technical(TEC), project(PRO) and site (SITE). While SOC, ENV and ECO are weighted equally, sharing 22,5% each in the total points, TEC, PRO and SITE shares 15%, 12,5% and 5% respectively.

In this DGNB-lite version custom-made for 41936, the DGNB System Version 2020 International is referred with slight adjustment regarding LCA requirement to fit with the Danish Building Regulation.The practice of DGNB-lite in the course is intended to give students an understanding of how the DGNB certification system works with the design process in reality and gives students the possibility to carry out the auditing work.

DGNB-lite scoring and levels#

The points in DGNB-lite might not follow the actual DGNB document, for example some focuses are weighted higher because of how we fit them with the learning objectives and the whole SITE topic is excluded according to the course scope. But the concept to obtain a certified level is still the same:

Platinum: Scoring an overall 80% with each topic scoring at least 65%

Gold: Scoring an overall 65% with each topic scoring at least 50%

Si* Lver: Scoring an overall 50% with each topic scoring at least 35%

The maximum possible point of DGNB-lite is 2200, which gives 1760, 1430, 1100 and 770 the threshold points respectively for each level. Students can arrange freely which DGNB criteria you acquire the points from. A final audit will be carried out on Week-13 to validate your claim and decide your DGNB-lite level.

Grading instruction If there is Levels in DGNB criteria, you can get the point of the highest level you achieve. If there is a ‘+’ sign in the possible point, you can get accumulated points when you achieve more than one criteria. Otherwise, everything in the criteria has to be completed in order to get the point for that criteria.

Documentation and references Documentation: All documentation provided should be clearly defined and labelled in reference to the criteria and the level that you wish to optain points at.

Ensure to provide references for all your arguments and documentation. This also includes digital tools and models used as part of the documentation of a criterion, incl. materials provided by other subjects.

All models, diagrams, figures and drawings should be clearly labelled, with clear signature explanation of illustrations and what they convey. All visual element should be of quality, meaning that text and figures are easily discerned. If in doubt, please include a full-size version as part of the appendix as well.


ENV1.1 - Building Life Cycle Assessment (B-C) Points total: 350pts#

ENV1.1.1 Life cycle assessments in planning

  • Evaluate carbon budget, allocation, with help of an early LCA model +40 pts (B)

  • Variation study of at least 3 different subjects, e.g. ARCH (material choice), MEP (energy consumption), STR (volume optimisation) etc +30 pts (B)

  • An LCA model is built according to the requirement of BR18 +30 pts (C)

ENV1.1.2 Climate impact (C)

  • Lv1: 9 kg CO2 eq / m2 år 100pts

  • Lv2: 8 kg CO2 eq / m2 år 150pts

  • Lv3: 7.32 kg CO2 eq / m2 år 200pts

  • Lv4: 6,55 kg CO2 eq / m2 år 250pts

ENV1.2 - Sustainable ressource use (C) Points total: 50pts#

In the future we will focus on more resource categories but this year we focus on timber. All wood used in the building process is considered in this criterium both in the finished building and during the construction process, including wood panels, HDF.exc to shield of the building site or used in onsite molds.

  • 50 % of all wood is FSC/PEFC certified 50pts

ENV1.3 - Primary energy need and degree covered by renewable energy (C) Points total: 50pts#

Degree of the building’s energy need covered or supplied by renewable energy sources either on site or externally through the energy grid. The timeframe is 10 years from the building is complete. You will need to document the level of renewable energy as well as the sources that enables it.

  • Lv1: >50% of primary energy need, covered by renewable energy sources 30pts

  • Lv2: >80% of primary energy need, covered by renewable energy sources 50pts

ENV1.4 – Water use and wastewater reduction (C) Points total: 50pts#

Despite the plentiful supply of water in Denmark, there is an increased need for drinking water of high quality. At the same time, treatment of waste water at the plant, is costly. Reduction and separation of gray and blue water is therefore perferred as well as innovations and solutions that recirculate or reduces the water used and wastewater (graywater) discharge of the building.

  • 40% reduction relative to reference building 50pts


ECO2.1 – Flexibility and adaptability (C) Points total: 150pts#

ECO2.1.1 Space efficiency UA / GFA = <= 0.48 - >= 0.75 1-30pts

ECO2.1.2 Ceiling height Ceiling height >= 3.00 m 30pts

ECO2.1.3 Building Depth 5.00 m <= Building depth <= 8.25 m 30pts 6.25 m <= Building depth <= 7.25 m 60pts

Building depth must be assessible between the two facades in 70% of the area.

ECO2.1.4 Vertical Access m2 GFA / number of core = <= 1200m2 - <= 400m2 1-30pts

Illustrate with drawings. Details could be found in DGNB System version 2020 international, P.273-275, 283-285.

ECO2.2 - LCC and continues cost estimation (C) Points total: 200pts#

Three cost estimation to be carried out:

  • Total design cost (design team man-hours, recorded and projected) +100pts

  • Total construction cost +50pts

  • Total maintenance cost over 10 years +50pts

ECO2.3 - Commercial access (C) Points total: 150pts#

Four access detail considerations:

  • Dedicated space for waste collection and access for garage trucks to the building +40pts

  • Parking entrance considers delivery vehicles +50pts

  • Building entrance and elevators enables commercial access +30pts

  • Drop-off and pick-up areas are provided +30pts


SOC3.1 - Design for all (C) Points total: 200pts#

Universal design following national guideline - BR18

  • Users of the building are defined and types of disabilities and needs are described. +80pts

  • Design following BR18 clause §49, §51-58, §61 where applicable to the required level of detail of the course. +40pts

  • Design following BR18 clause §214-217, 220 where applicable to the required level of detail of the course. +40pts

  • Design following BR18 clause §244, 246, §401 where applicable to the required level of detail of the course. +40pts

SOC3.2 – Technical user experience (C) Points total: 300pts#

SOC3.2.1 Operative temperature

  • Lv1: Operative temperature at workplace according to EN 15251 Cat 3 10pts

  • Lv2: Operative temperature at workplace according to EN 15251 Cat 2 20pts

  • Lv3: Operative temperature at workplace according to EN 15251 Cat 1 30pts

SOC3.2.2 Indoor humidity

  • RH > 25% at least 95% of the operating hours (heating period) +10pts

  • Absolute humidity < 12g/kg (cooling period) +10pts

SOC3.2.3 Air exchange rate

  • Lv1: Air exchange rate at workplace meets EN 15251 Cat 3 25pts

  • Lv2: Air exchange rate at workplace meets EN 15251 Cat 2 50pts

  • Lv3: Air exchange rate at workplace meets EN 15251 Cat 1 75pts

SOC3.2.4 Daylight availability

  • Lv1: 300lux > 50% daylight hours > 40% reference plan 15pts

  • Lv2: 300lux > 50% daylight hours > 50% reference plan 18pts

  • Lv3: 300lux > 50% daylight hours > 55% reference plan 20pts

  • Lv4Æ 300lux > 50% daylight hours > 60% reference plan 25pts

SOC3.2.5 Visual contact

  • Lv1: Viewout_>80% space = Minimum 15pts

  • Lv2: Viewout_>80% space = Medium 20pts

  • Lv3: Viewout_>80% space = High 30pts

SOC3.2.6 Glare

  • Lv1: DGP_<5% = Minimum 15pts

  • Lv2: DGP_<5% = Medium 20pts

  • Lv3: DGP_<5% = High 30pts

SOC3.2.7 Acoustic concept formulated during the planning process

  • Consider acoustic comfort in the design +10pts

SOC3.2.8 Reverberation time (Individual and multi-person offices up to 40m2)

  • Lv1: 1.0 < T <= 1.5 20pts

  • Lv2: 0.8 < T < 1.0 30pts

  • Lv3: T <= 0.8 40pts

SOC3.2.9 Reverberation time (Multi-person offices larger than 40m2)

  • Lv1: 0.8 < T < 1.0 30pts

  • Lv2: T <= 0.8 40pts

  • Guide from Victor posted on ARCH teams channel : https://dtudk.sharepoint.com/sites/11080F22300-STRUCTURE/Delte%20dokumenter/STRUCTURE/Acoustic/SOC1.3%20Acoustic%20Comfort%20related%20to%20DGBNlite.mp4?csf=1&%3Bweb=1&%3Be=VBAerx&isSPOFile=1&cid=2d536177-774d-47f9-ac66-d6b6570cb68c


TEC4.1 – Ease of recovery and recycling (D) Points total: 165pts#

TEC4.1.1 Selection of easy-to-recycle construction materials (Awarded per % of the components that achieve the level. Per component group. E.g. 100% of structural elements are at level 3 + 40% of facades are at level 2 * 100% x 15pts + 40% x 10pts = 15 + 4 = 19pts) Consider only 1. structural elements, 2. facades, 3. interior components

  • Lv1: Material recovery - be used as a secondary raw material for use outside of building construction 5pts

  • Lv2: Material recovery in building construction - be used for production of a new building component 10pts

  • Lv3: Material recovery to create comparable product - be reused for equivalent building component 20pts

  • Lv4: Material Reuse - remain unchanged and be reused for equivalent building component 25pts

TEC4.1.2 Potential for adaptability and future use

  1. Develop a conceptual layout of the building for potential future adaptation, from office/public building to living or student accommodation. The concept should be designed from a representative floor of the building and include a highlight of the major changes needed for the adaptations, including Utility, floor plan, heat, and ventilation. +45pts

  2. Documentation of the potential economic and environmental cost to adapting the building, derived from the conceptual layout. Expressed in dkk/m^2 UA and kgCO2eq/m2 UA. (Only considering new, replaced, or adapted building components, i.e. if the core and outer shell remains unchanged, those should not be considered in the LCA scope) +45pts

TEC4.2 – Ease of cleaning building components (C) Points total: 40pts#

Ease of cleaning of exterior and interior surfaces

  • Description of façade cleaning feasibility including cost and method +10pts

  • Description of interior surfaces cleaning feasibility including cost and method +10pts

  • Maintenance manual for the building, including guidelines to reduce wastewater and local environmental impact risk +20pts

TEC4.3 – Mobility infrastructure (C) Points total: 60pts#

TEC4.3.1 Bicycle infrastructure

  • Lv1: 20pts

  • Anti-theft measures for bicycles

  • Maintenance facilities are available

  • Weather protection is available for the parking facilities/spaces

  • Lv2: 20pts

  • Incl. Lv1 requirements

  • Lighting is available for the parking facilities/spaces

  • 50cm between each rack for straight parking rack for easy access

  • Lv3: 30pts

  • Incl. Lv2 requirements

  • Larger parking spots for cargo bikes

  • Access the parking space with automatic door

Please ensure to provide evidence of having adequate parking spaces with reference to the expected number of users in the building.

TEC4.3.2 User comfort for cycling users 20pts

  • Available shower facilities

  • Available changing rooms

  • Available storage facilities

TEC4.4 – Quality of the building envelope (C) Points total: 50pts#

  • Lv1: Average U-value of exterior wall < min. Building Regulation requirement 20pts

  • Lv2: Average U-value of exterior wall < -15% of min. Building Regulation requirement 30pts

  • Lv3: Average U-value of exterior wall < -30% of min. Building Regulation requirement 50pts

TEC4.5 – Use and integration of building technology (C) Points total: 35pts#

Planning and implementing passive building concepts in the building design to reduce the primary energy demand caused by the technical systems in building operation.

  • Arrangement and compactness of the building structure, proportion of window area +5pts

  • Use of daylight (light redirection) +5pts

  • Solar radiation protection +5pts

  • Storage mass and insulation standard +5pts

  • Natural ventilation +5pts

  • Passive heating +5pts

  • Passive cooling +5pts

Explain your design concept in terms of the above aspects or others. Ensure to include estimated % of function (e.g. natural ventilation) of the total need covered by use of passive building concepts.


PRO5.1 - Comprehensive project brief (A) Points total: 45pts#

PRO5.1.1 Requirements description 15pts

  • Main objectives of the project

  • Size

  • Quality

  • Financial framework

  • Time frame

PRO5.1.2 Priorities 15pts

  • KPIs

PRO5.1.3 Plot and surroundings 15pts

  • Access - connection to existing parts / systems of campus.

  • Transport

  • Parking

PRO5.2 - Transdisciplinary collaboration and co-design (A-C) Points total: 120pts#

For transdisciplinary collaboration between subjects along the design process.

PRO5.2.1 Early process plan (A)

  • Specify the purposes and intended outputs for each interaction 20pts

PRO5.2.2 Evidence of transdisciplinary design integration (B)

  • Illustrate in plan and section drawings 50pts

PRO5.2.3 Documentation and description of transdisciplinary workshops between subjects (C)

  • One example should be included in your report. 50pts

Expected submission: Clear description of intention and setup of workshop, the process and developments during the workshop, as well as how the output/findings has been used or integrated as part of the building design

PRO5.3 Sustainability aspects in tender phase (A-C) Points total: 60pts#

Address and document your integration of sustainability aspects, at each stage.

PRO5.3.1 Defining sustainability aspects in Week-4 submission (A) 10pts

  • E.g. Area of opportunities, potential considerations etc.

PRO5.3.2 Inclusion of general sustainability aspects in Week-7 submission (B) 20pts

  • E.g. net-zero strategies, good use of space, inclusion of public green area etc.

PRO5.3.3 Inclusion of technical sustainability aspects in final client report (C) 30pts

  • E.g. ease of cleaning and maintenance, circular design, optimisation of materials, material recovery etc.

PRO5.4 – End user considerations during design process (B-C) Points total: 70pts#

Requirements to the considetaion of intended end users throughout the design process as well as in decision making. User-centered design enables the building design team to integrate additional user attributes early on in the process and use the information to guide the decision-making process later on.

  1. Development of early understanding of intended end users and their attributes in the form of 3 personas (B) +30pts

  2. Provide evidence that the building affords the ability of the three considered personas, to perform their everyday tast. In accordance to the project manual. (C) +40pts

Note: Documentation related to this requirement should clearly define what type of data/sources that the personas are based on and how representative they are of the end users of the building.

PRO5.5– Comprehensive project brief (C) Points total: 55pts#

PRO5.5.1 The building as a whole 15pts

  • Characterisitcs of the structural shell, incl. core and any load-bearing element

  • Expected aspects: volume, total GFA [Total buildup area], average GFA [Total GFA/number of floor], UA [Usable area, without walls and core], number of floors

  • Construction schedule

PRO5.5.2 Individual rooms 15pts

  • Characteristics (Usage, special design etc.)

  • spatial ability to be modified (if applicable)

  • Room height/headroom [False ceiling height]

  • Surfaces finishes/treatment

PRO5.5.3 Effects on users and on the public 25pts

Typical/possible content:

  • Suitability of rooms and systems

  • Comfort

  • Health

  • Aesthetics

  • Image

Note: Documentation should highlight and clearly show central aspects of the building design, that is expected to provide a positive aspect/value to the users and on the public.