Parametric Paradox

Parametric Paradox

The paradox can be best defined as

the function of parametrics is to support change; but parametric models are difficult to change.

Parametric Models in Architectural Engineering

Parametric models define and encode relationships in digital design components that enable designers to control the parametric design through the manipulation of parameters. The parameters that the designer of the parametric design system selects determines the opportunity space that the parametric design system explores. Parametric models require additional work to be done at the start of a project and are reliant on the appropriateness of the parameters selection at the front endof the project (Yu et al. 2015). In this way are subject to the ‘paradox of the opportunity space’ described by Samset & Volden (2016) (figure 1). (McGinley et. al. 2017)


The argument for parametric systems is that they can augment a designer’s ability to explore an opportunity space that can be predicted in advance. Furthermore, the development of robust parametric design systems could be used to adapt the design proposals in response to a required change in strategy from late emerging information. However, parametric design systems are frequently developed in an ad hoc manner that means we end up with ‘spaghetti parametrics’ that can be difficult to reconfigure to an adjusted design strategy beyond the scope of the parameters defined in thesystem (Davis et al. 2011).

To address this, we need to apply robust and flexible development methodologies that produce high quality outputs and are appropriate to the design process.


  • Davis, D., Burry, J. and Burry, M.: 2011, Untangling Parametric Schemata : Enhancing Collab-oration through Modular Programming DAVIS, Proceedings of CAAD Futures 2011, 55-68.
  • (McGinley, T. Abroe, B. Kroll, D. Murphy, M. Sare, T. Gu, N., (2017) Agile X Pavilion and the Parametric Paradox, Computer-Aided Architectural Design Research in Asia (CAADRIA) 2017, Suzhou, China.
  • Yu, R., Gero, J. and Gu, N.: 2015, Architects’ Cognitive Behaviour in Parametric Design, In-ternational Journal of Architectural Computing, 1(13), 83-101