

Includes: Circulation, Services, Structure, Bracing, Fire evacuation

The CORE system has a unique growth perspective. It is similar to the development process of the central nervous system in vertebrates. We can therefore think of it as the spine of the building. Many buildings do not have this configuration, but here we primarily focus on tall buildings that do have a clearly defined CORE. The core defines the anterior and posterior of the building. It processes the flow of loads, nutrients, information and people safely through a building, connecting it to its site. The CORE is responsible for connecting, carrying and supplying all the building systems of the building. The configuration of the CORE(s) is critical to the success of a project, but due to having many deep disciplinary dependencies it is normally defined too late when it is to difficult to change.

M1 - Core

1.1 Element

Identify Element, Artefact or System

This largely depends on the layout of the building being studied, Tall buildings are primarily organsied by their this vertical circualation (the CORE) however if it is a building that is wider in one axis than it is tall it might be the horizontal circulation system.

1.2 Line

Check for Organising Line or Surface

In this case the ‘organising line’ is the safe circualation, supply and processing of information, people, loads, energy and other things through the building. Depending on your choice of element in the previous step. the organising line here also defines the anterior and posterior of the building.

1.3 Segments

Identify Segments or Zones

What are the segments / zones of the CORE, this might be both in laterally and ventrally. This should include the energy systems, fire safety / pressurised area, structure, stairs, (fire) lifts and many more things.

1.4 Scope

Define the Scope of the Study

Next you should scope your investigation of the CORE / circulation system. You may for instance want to focus on the energy systems, fire safety / pressurised area. This is up to you to define. You are also welcome to include all the segments

1.5 Features

Identify Features

Here you need to identify the features for each of the segements that are in the scope of your study. For instance a feature might be that the fire lift is in a pressurised shaft. It might be thickness of the CORE walls, this is up to you to identify.


Biomimetic Inspiration