Benchmark Building Model

Benchmark Building Model#

Based on an excel sheet template. It will focus on the Beats and extend these in some cases.

You should think of this in 2 ways:

  1. the most basic BIM you could imagine - no geometry - just the basic information for your design

  2. This gives you an idea of a design that you can use as a benchmark / baseline - can you do better? what affect would this building have on your KPIs?

It would be difficult to produce a full shared BIM model at this stage, or would it? we are more interested in the information than the geometry in the early days, if you do not have a 3d model, could you share an excel with all the features and requirements of all the stories in the building and start to think about what they might contain? At this point you will also be defining the F2F for the building.

You should do this, based on the construction of a physical model, produce an ‘excel workbook’ documenting the basic properties of the initial model. This should also document if this satisfies the analysed client requirements.