Week 1 - Introduction#

Welcome to Advanced Building Design 2025.

Make sure you have read the course guide before starting the course:

Week 1 lesson plan#




13:00 - 14:00


Course intro / brief / project / course requirements

14:00 -14:30

Break and fill Belbin (Check DTU Learn to download the form) - you are trying to find your main type.

14:30 -14:45

Choose Subject

Whole class divide into subjects Teachers and TAs will help where numbers are not even

14:45 - 15:00

Create Companies

Each subject subdivides into separate companies (2-3 people) use Belbin results and teachers and TAs to help

15:00 - 15:15


PM define team values and other groups work out 30 second lift pitch - why pick them + hourly rate.

15:15 - 15:20


15:20 - 15:50


PM try to get points based on Belbin etc. subjects approach in waves.

15:50 - 16:10


16:10 - 17:00

Analyse brief

Please see Activity 1 below: Analyse Brief as a Team - also reassess the points that you will go for in the project

Questions to consider this week#

  • What is the identity of your subject group (company)?

  • How does your subject contribute to the team?

  • List one thing you need the most from each subject.

  • What is special about your group and what can you offer the team?

  • Which Team KPIs do you most align with?

  • Is everyone in your group on the same page?

  • PM: What values do you want your team to have?

  • Aspirations: How ambitious are you?

Activity 1#

In this first activity you will be asked to make a guesstimate of the GFA for your building.

  • What GFA are you aiming at for your building? This requires that you define the F2F height.

  • Will you have a greater ceiling height on the ground floor?

  • Will you have different types of floors for different parts of the building?