Classification in IfcOpenShell#

This activity explores the classification concept in IfcOpenShell.


Ifcopenshell - Classification


Completion of:

Code snippets#

Identify classification schemas used in model#

Identify all classification systems used in the model:

import ifcopenshell
import ifcopenshell.util.classification
classifications = model.by_type("IfcClassification")
print("Classifications:", classifications)

Find classification information for an element#

Find all classification references for an element:

element = ...

references = ifcopenshell.util.classification.get_references(element)
for reference in references:
    system = ifcopenshell.util.classification.get_classification(reference)
    print("This reference is part of the system", system.Name)
    print("The element has a classification reference of", reference.Identification)

Activity Decsription#

  • This activit

Managers Code#

  • add the groups different classification rules to your script.

Analyst Code#

  • add the folowing code to your Rule check python script