OpenBIM Manager#
One manager group is assigned to each focus area. It is the responsibility of that manager group to gather, manage and coordinate the information, knoweldge, learning and processes from the [analyst] groups in their chosen focus area.
Managers in Assignment A1#
Read more about their role in A1
Managers in Assignment A2#
Read more about their role in A2
Coordinate the use cases for your focus groups
Are there any overlaps? It would be better if each group was checking different claims. We would like to have one test for each claim. If analysts groups want to work on the same claim, can their analysis be broken into steps that can be simply compiled in your coordination role?
Managers in Assignment A3#
Read more about their role in A3
Managers in Assignment A4#
Read more about their role in A4
Gather the learning needs of their focus area.
Run an activity (With the analysts in your focus area) to identify the gaps in available resources.
Coordinate the learning goals of the analyst groups.
Managers in Assignment A5#
Read more about their role in A5
Same as the other groups, please see the description in A5
Manager Levels#
The OpenBIM Manager is based on the traditional BIM manager role, such as managing clashes Based on these skills, students could then work to develop OpenBIM Manager skills.
Level 1: Analyse a standard IFC file in Excel generated using the IFA analyzer tool to check OpenBIM information availability and assign responsibilities.
Level 2: Apply BPMN / UML modelling and investigations to identify new processes, information flows and procedures based on ISO 19650.
Level 3: Systems Architect (McGinley, 2015) (operating at an information systems level) with process automation, possibly with Node-Red (Node-RED, 2023).
Penn State Uses#
Zahra Al-Mosawi (2022) Virtual Team Management with Focus on Trust, Motivation and Collaboration
Christian Carlos Mamede Hansen (2021) Automation in Construction; A Business Process Management Perspective
Eric Kastl Jensen and Adam Søe Beilin (2020) Simplifying communication between AEC stakeholders to facilitate agile practices
Einar Loktu (2019) Early stage Collaboration in Architecture and Engineering