03: Phase Planning (4D Modelling)#
A process in which a 4D model (3D models with the added dimension of time) is utilized to effectively plan the phased occupancy in a renovation, retrofit, addition, or to show the construction sequence and space requirements on a building site. 4D modeling is a powerful visualization and communication tool that can give a project team the including owner a better understanding of project milestones and construction plans.
Potential Value#
Better understanding of the phasing schedule by the owner and project participants and showing the critical path of the project
Dynamic phasing plans of occupancy offering multiple options and solutions to space conflicts
Integrate planning of human, equipment and material resources with the BIM model to better schedule and cost estimate the project
Space and workspace conflicts identified and resolved ahead of the construction process
Marketing purposes and publicity
Identification of schedule, sequencing or phasing issues
More readily constructible, operable and maintainable project
Monitor procurement status of project materials
Increased productivity and decreased waste on job sites
Conveying the spatial complexities of the project, planning information, and support conducting additional analyses
Resources Required#
Design Authoring Software
Scheduling software
4D Modelling Software
Team Competencies Required#
Knowledge of construction scheduling and general construction process. A 4D model is connected to a schedule, and is therefore only as good as the schedule to which it is linked.
Ability to manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D model.
Knowledge of 4D software: import geometry, manage links to schedules, produce and control animations, etc.
References for Additional Information#
Dawood, N., and Mallasi, Z. (2006). Construction Workplace Planning: Assignment and Analysis Utilizing 4D Visualization Technologies. Computer-aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, pp. 498-513. Jongeling, R., Kim, J., Fischer, M., Morgeous, C., and Olofsson, T. (2008). Quantitative analysis of workflow, temporary structure usage, and productivity using 4D models. Automation in Construction, pp. 780-791. Kang, J. H., Anderson, S. D., and Clayton, M. J. (2007). Empirical Study on the Merit of Web-based 4D Visualization in Collaborative Construction Planning and Scheduling. Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, pp. 447-461.
Potential Output Information#
4D Model in Defined Structure
4D Views / Video
Source: BIM Project Execution Planning Guide, Ver. 2.2 with minor revisions.