Fall 2024#

Below are the A4 submissions from students enrolled in 41934 E24.

Architecture / Fire evacuation / Acoustics#

Group 1: How to Identify Mislabeled Building Elements and Reclassify Them

This tutorial teaches identifying and correcting mislabeled building elements, focusing on misclassified ceilings. Using python, ifcopenshell, and the BIM model to ensure that the labelling inconsisities are reclassified.

Access at: GitHub

Group 8: IFC Spatial Analysis Compliance Tool

This tool extracts, analyzes, and visualizes spatial data from building models in IFC format. It evaluates room compliance with predefined standards, such as minimum area per capacity, generating reports and visualizations to highlight spaces failing to meet specified requirements.

Access at: GitHub

Group 11: Surface Analysis and Reverberation Calculation

This script detects floor surfaces and surrounding surfaces to make up all rooms. Then it filters out irrelevant rooms and calculates reverberation time for the relevant rooms that are left. This gives an estimate of the acoustic competences of every room.

Access at: GitHub

Indoor & Energy / Acoustic / Daylight#

Group 14: Ventilation Validation Tool from BIM Models

This project involves creating a tool to extract ventilation components, quantities and airflow properties from BIM-models. The tool streamlines compliance validation for ventilation systems by analyzing IFC-files and generating structured data for engineers.

Access at: GitHub

Group 15: U-Value Calculation Tool for Windows and Glazing

This Python-based tool calculates the U-Value of windows and glazing systems, simulating their impact on thermal insulation and daylight performance. It aids in optimizing energy efficiency in building design within BIM environments.

Access at: GitHub

Group 33: Extracting U-values from Model

The functuality of the program is that it extracts U-values from the model, from external walls, the roof and slabs to be exact. After that it compares the U-values to the DGNB lite certification.

Access at: GitHub

Structure inc. Structural Fire Safety#

Group 24: Automated Beam Load Calculation with BlenderBIM

This script demonstrates how to automate beam load calculations using BlenderBIM and IfcOpenShell. It filters beams by name, extracts dimensions, and calculates their self-weight based on material density and geometry for structural analysis.

Access at: GitHub

Group 27: Column Dimension Verification Tool for IFC Models

The tutorial describes the functionalities of the code and it explains how to use the tool by providing an example. This efficiently verifies column dimensions in IFC model by comparing them against specified requirements at a designated floor level during structural design.

Access at: GitHub

Group 28: Wind load visualization using Matplotlib

This tutorial showcases different possibilities for making plots and figures with Matplotlib for Python. The tutorial focuses on making a wind load plan which can be used by the structural engineer.

Access at: GitHub

Materials / LCA / Materials / Sustainability Assessment#

Group 4: Using Python and Ifcopenshell to estimate building’s CO2 emission

A python tool that takes advantage of ifcopenshell library to extract element quantity and material information and combines it with external CO2 emission factors to calculate annual CO2 footprint of building elements. The tool also provides plots for better assessment of the results.

Access at: GitHub

Group 23: Volume Calculation for Objects in an IFC-File

When looking for the volume of an object, we stumbled uppon the issue, that some objects don’t have a volume attribute in the IFC-File. So we decided to calculate the volume with a simple code. In the first step, the code is getting the dimensions of the objects in the x, y and z direction. After that, the volume is calculated by using the correct formula, depending on the shape of the object.

Access at: GitHub

Group 34: How to identify co2 emissions from flooring in a building

This tutorial teaches how to extract the volumes from the model and connect the volume with the corrispondig co2 emmisions factor, to calculate the total carbon emissions from the different flooring in the IFC-file/model.

Access at: GitHub

Group 35: CO₂ Footprint Calculation Tool for Structural Concrete

A Python-based OpenBIM tool to estimate CO₂ footprints of concrete walls, slabs, and columns in the design phase using IFC data, promoting sustainability and compliance with environmental standards.

Access at: GitHub

Group 36: Facade Area Analyzer

This script calculates the window-to-wall ratio by analyzing 3D building façades in Blender, distinguishing glass from non-glass surfaces. It automates accurate calculations, providing planners with critical insights to optimize design, energy efficiency, and sustainability in building models.

Access at: GitHub

Group 37: CO2 footprint of building element

The tool should be able to calculate the CO2 footprint for beams, slaps and columns. It will then visualize the results for the user with a bar plot.

Access at: GitHub

Group 38: Automatization of matching Ifc data with environmental data

Our script can extract materials within an IfcMaterialLayer and match it with environmental data, by creating a Bag Of Word matrix, to run a cosine similarity check. In the end five materials will be suggested to the specific IfcMaterialLayer.

Access at: [GitHub](https://github.com/fcBIM/gruppe38/blob/main/Assignments/Assignment 4/)

Build / Cost / Buildability / Permits#

Group 26: Automated data- and cost collection

Our A4 assignment video explains our A3 tool’s concept, target audience, and functionality. It automates data collection on structural dimensions and quantities, aiding cost estimates, design verification, compliance, and accurate project cost projections.

Access at: GitHub

Group 40: Modifying the extracted ifc type name from model

The tutorial shows how to modify the extracted name of an element type so that we get the suitable format to use in the tool.

Access at: GitHub

Group 41: Estimating the cost of facadeelements through IfcPsets

This tool has the purpose of estimating the costs of facadeelements by looping through all the relevant elements in the Ifc file, and extracting the relevant IfcPsets, being the surface area, then multiplying with the cost of 1 unit of m2.

Access at: GitHub

Group 44: Extracting IFC Element Properties: A Guide to Accessing Column Volumes with ifcopenshell

Learn how to use ifcopenshell to extract and calculate the total volume of columns from an IFC file. This guide covers loading models, retrieving elements, and analyzing their properties for BIM and construction insights.

Access at: GitHub


Group 22: How to display IFC data in Speckle

This notebook is a tutorial about learning how to display Objects and their data in the Speckle viewer. Speckle is an open-source platform for sharing and managing data between different software tools, enabling real-time collaboration and seamless data exchange in architecture, engineering, and construction projects.

Access at: GitHub

Group 25: Guide to getting into Github Desktop

This guide takes the user through the process of downloading Github Desktop, aswell as the basics of cloning repository, pushing to origin and pulling from origin.

Access at: GitHub