Extra Exercise: HTML-IFC - FutureBIM#
We introduce potential future BIM tools and then in class we investigate their connections and the roles they will play in your future careers. This assignment is linked to the following learning objectives.
Therefore, the aim of this EXTRA NON CREDIT assignment is in your groups to explore focused parts of this future (open) BIM ecosystem, supported by theory, frameworks and examples provided in the course lectures.
Activity Completion#
1) Fork / download as zip the code in HTML-Build-IFC-Converter#
We are starting from the HTML-Build-IFC-Converter repo as it provides a prototype BIM system that yuou can adapt. The aim is that you think about how the use case you indentified in the previous submission could be applied here to guide the receivers of that guidance. Specifically you should consider:
The example files only really work for a ‘tall’ repetitive building.
What information can you get from the IFC for your use case from the previous assignment?
What guidance might the ‘end user’ need?
What analysis can you perform to support this guidance based on the info you have available?
2) Get the code to run on your machine#
To check see that the date and time of the index file in the output folder ahve changed.
3) Make changes to the resulting index.html file#
The best way to start might be to try and edit the index.html file directly. This way you can start to think about the guiddnace that you want the page to offer - perhaps you coudl sketch this, if you are not confident to edit the files directly.
4) Try and edit the code so that it offers guidance relative to your use case.#
This does not need to be a world changing thing, it could jsut be adding text to each of the floors in the index.html file. If you are not sure how to do this, please ask :) Can you parts of the code you wrote from the previous assingment?
5) Include a changes.md file in the folder / repo that includes:#
the complete folder to get both the python to run (only including the models and output folders that you are using.
a changes.md markdown describing in detail the changes you made - you can also add images / screenshots to your md and store these in an img folder as discussed previously.
6) Identify a licence for your script and apply this to the github code#
This is based on the conversation from last week. There is a link here to the licence chooser
7) be proud of what you have acheived, its pretty awesome that you have mangaged to build your own BIM system :)#
Submissions 22#
Team 1 - Ported the original code to JS, adding an input function, need to think about how to keep the resulting HTML source clean - but a really, really great start!