W1: Open BIM#
2nd September 2024
With Kristoffer Negendahl.
Please watch the introduction video which provides an introduction to:
___ What is (good) BIM?
___ What is the focus of the course?
___ How does it link to your own studies and specialisations?
___ What are the Benefits and challenges of BIM? (Inc. Silos)
___ Course Assignments and Feedback [ ]
___ Assignment 1 Introduction
Activity 1#
___ How does it link to your own studies and specialisations?
a) Choose a focus area / subject.#
In this activity you need to choose one of the focus areas.
Pick up your things.
Go now to the area allocated to your focus area:
Architecture (Front left desks of room)
Indoor (Front right desks of room)
Structure (middle desks)
Materials / LCA (back left desks of room)
Build (back right desks of room)
Once setlled in your focus area, subdivide into small groups of 2-3 people, this will be you group for the course.
b) focus area groups elect a focus area manager group.#
Groups that wish to be managers for that focus area pitch to the rest of the focus group, each group votes, winning group is the manager.
c) What building elements does your focus area analyse and design?#
Focus groups identify which elements of a building are most relevant to their focus area. Manager group records the elements that their groups suggest, if all groups agreet.
Manager groups report back to the class.
IFC Introduction lecture#
___ What is OpenBIM?
___ BIM Maturity Levels [-]
___ FAIR Principles [ ]
___ Interoperability Principles [ ]
___ Standards, Technical Specifications and Guides [ ]
___ What is [(Open)BIM] and what are what are FOSS tools and FAIR data? [ ]
___ Course Rules
___ Circular Education System
Activity 2#
2) Download the model for your focus area#
___ Download either:
___ Skylab IFC models [enrolled students only].
CES_BLD_24_96 [enrolled students only].
___ decide which model you would like to focus on based on your focus area.
3) Download Blender / Bonsai (fka installation) and investigate the model#
4) View the model in Blender / Bonsai (fka BlenderBIM)#
Managers should gather knowledge from groups in their focus area and the teaching team to work out the best way to support all the groups in their focus area through this activity.
Please note that the Blender / Bonsai BIM ecosystem is being updated rapidly so some links below may not work as first intended. Please be patient and help each other learn :)
You can use this tool from Dion Moult to help find the entities you are looks for also you can search the IFC4 schema here
Activity 3)#
Look for specific IFC entities in Blender.
5) Next Steps#
You are now one step closer in your journey to becoming an OpenBIM guru. Check out the next session here.