A1: Forensic BIM#

Forensic BIM Assignment


Identify and fact check project simple claims in Advanced Building Design


Low - Medium: You just need to prove that it is possible :)


Blender / Bonsai / [Python] / [IfcOpenShell]


Advanced Building Design

Case Analysts

Script to check a simple claim from your focus area

Case Manager

Coordinate the claims for your focus area


2 - 3 people group for a specific focus area


In class activity in week 1, 2 and 3


Learn Blender / Bonsai, IfcOpenShell and Github

**The aim of this assignment is to become familiar with the core concepts of OpenBIM. This is done through a deep dive into the IFC data model and associated Open BIM standards. The IFC data model is the industry standard for BIM, but many BIM practioners (and some BIM experts) still don’t really understand it. This approach gives you the best possible foundation for journey to becoming an OpenBIM guru


In the Advanced Building Design Course students submit Disciplinary specific BIM models in IFC along with Disciplinary ‘subject reports’ and a ‘client report’ which summarises the interdisciplinary design of a tall building.


You have been asked by the building client to check a specific claim made by the team.

The client has heard that you have a novel OpenBIM process for checking claims made in the report. This is known in the industry as a rule checker. The client wants you to demonstrate the power of this approach by checking a specific claim. This will require a synthesis of your BIM and discipline specific engineering knowledge, so you should pick a focus area that you are familiar with.


Your job in this assignment is to check a claim made made in either a team’s subject or client report. Can what they are saying be validated by the BIM?

Enrolled students please find the reports on the DTU Learn page

Content > Project Reports > Adv Building Design 24 Reports > CES_BLD_24_06_Reports

In that folder you will find both the subject reports and the client report.

Remember that the client at this stage just wants to see that this is possible, they are not here looking for complexity in the code or anything else, just that you can do it. Your check could be very simple for instance, how many floors does the model have? does it have spaces?

Apply simple scripts to validate claims made in previous iteraitons of the Advanced Building Design course. In your focus groups you will check specfic claims made in their project reports. aS example these could (depending on your focus area) include:

  • Project GFA,

  • Spaces required in the project brief

  • Energy Frame

  • Facade transparency …

  • What other things can you think of?

You can analyse the models using scripts as in the previous years using Blender / Bonsai as an IDE (integrated development environment) incorporating a console, 3d view, IFC data model hierarchy, and IFC property views in one place.

Then try and put this script into the analyzer examples provided in Week 2.

A1 Submission:#

Edit the README.md file in you github repo so it includes:

  1. Your group number (but not your student number etc.)

  2. Your focus area.

  3. The claim you are checking

  4. The report and page number or section that you found the claim in.

  5. Description of your script

    • For analysts: A brief description of what your script is doing

    • For Managers: A summary of the scripts you are running with links to their repos.


Week 1#

To acheive this, you will first review the disciplinary IFC models in Blender with the Bonsai (fka BlenderBIM) plugin.

  • Install Blender / Bonsai

  • Load the model and look around

Week 2#

It is possible to get information and model properties in Blender, but this would be very slow, so we will then show you how to run a simple script in the Blender Python script window to automate this search.

  • Make a group with the same focus area

  • Select a manager group

  • Review Project documentation for that focus area.

  • Select a claim to check.

  • Start working with IfcOpenShell

  • get a github account


  • if a manager come the manager repo.


  • if an analyst clone the analyst repo.

Week 3#

  • Finalise the assignment.

This assignment supports the following learning objectives.

Learning Objectives#

  • 02 Identify, locate and extract information from an IFC model in OpenBIM tools

  • 03 Apply appropriate OpenBIM standards and guidelines to support open and FAIR data, tools and processes.

  • 04 Provide professional [disciplinary] guidance based on OpenBIM [analysis].

  • 06 Create, fork, branch and collaborate on the development of an OpenBIM tool in [Python] with peers in a [code repository].

  • 07 Identify BIM challenges by analysing OpenBIM data.

  • 11 Apply and improve programming skills in [Python] to develop an OpenBIM tool or [modelling] skills in OpenBIM using your engineering domain expertise.

Submission 2024#

Enrolled students submit on DTU Learn here