BIM Levels#

BIM Levels

image taken from the documentation for the IBIMD project of which DTU is a participant.

Level 0 - Zero or low collaboration. 2D CAD drafting utilised​#

In Level 0, the use of BIM is minimal or non-existent. The collaboration is limited, based on paper or electronic prints and 2D CAD drafting techniques. ​

Level 1 - Partial collaboration. 2D CAD and 3D model for visualization.​#

In Level 1, the 3D model is mainly used for visual representation. The information is still stored in separate and individual documents. The 2D CAD is used for generates approval documents and project information. Collaboration is enhanced with the use of a common data environment (CDE), such as file sharing and electronic mail.​

Level 2 - High collaboration. 3D models integrated. ​#

In Level 2, the use of 3D models is more integrated, and the information is stored in a CDE. The collaboration promoted by each discipline has its own 3D model, sharing information and updating the model, which is coordinated to the management of incompatibilities. A federated BIM model is created. ​ ​

Level 3 - Total collaboration. 3D models and information integrated in one server​#

In Level 3, all project information is integrated into a single 3D model, which is shared in real time between all parties involved. Usually termed as OpenBIM, at this level, the collaboration is even more intensive with the possibility of real-time updates and access to detailed project information, including scheduling, automation, data analysis, and maintenance information.​


This page is based on information from the IBIMD project of which DTU is a participant.