17: 3D Control and Planning#



A process that utilizes an information model to layout facility assemblies or automate control of equipment’s movement and location. The information model is used to create detailed control points aid in assembly layout. An example of this is layout of walls using a total station with points preloaded and/or using GPS coordinates to determine if proper excavation depth is reached.

Potential Value#

  • Decrease layout errors by linking model with real world coordinates

  • Increase efficiency and productivity by decreasing time spent surveying in the field

  • Reduce rework because control points are received directly from the model

  • Decrease / eliminate language barriers

Resources Required#

  • Machinery with GPS capabilities

  • Digital Layout Equipment

  • Model Transition Software (what software takes model and converts it to usable information).

Team Competencies Required#

  • Ability to create, manipulate, navigate and review 3D model

  • Ability to use model data for layout and equipment control

References for Additional Information#

Garrett, R. E. (2007). PennDOT About to Embrace GPS Technology. Retrieved 2010, from gradingandexcavation.com: http://www.gradingandexcavation.com/january-february-2007/penndot-gps-technology.aspx>. Strafaci, A. (2008). What Does BIM Mean for Civil Engineers? Retrieved 2010, from cenews.com: http://images.autodesk.com/emea_s_main/files/what_does_bim_mean_for_civil_engineers_ce_news_1008.pdf TEKLA International. (2008). Tekla Corporation and Trimble to Improve Construction Field Layout Using Building Information Modeling.

Potential Output Information#

  • Physical layout onsite

  • Digital information for surveying equipment

Source: BIM Project Execution Planning Guide, Ver. 2.2 with minor revisions.