14: Site Utilization Planning#
Using models to graphically represent both permanent and temporary facilities on site during multiple phases of the construction process. It may also be linked with the construction activity schedule to convey space and sequencing requirements. Additional information incorporated into the model can include labor resources, materials with associated deliveries, and equipment location. Because the 3D model components can be directly linked to the schedule, site management functions such as visualized planning, short-term re-planning, and resource analysis can be analyzed over different spatial and temporal data.
Potential Value#
Efficiently generate site usage layout for temporary facilities, assembly areas, and material deliveries for all phases of construction
Quickly identify potential and critical space and time conflicts
Accurately evaluate site layout for safety concerns
Select a feasible construction scheme
Effectively communicate construction sequence and layout to all interested parties
Easily update site organization and space usage as construction progresses
Minimize the amount of time spent performing site utilization planning
Resources Required#
Design authoring software
Scheduling software
4D model integration software
Detailed existing conditions site plan
Team Competencies Required#
Ability to create, manipulate, navigate, and review a 3D Model
Ability to manipulate and assess construction schedule with a 3D model
Ability to understand typical construction methods
Ability to translate field knowledge to a technological process
References for Additional Information#
Chau, K.W.; M. Anson, and J.P. Zhang. (2004) “Four-Dimensional Visualization of Construction Scheduling and Site Utilization.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management. 598-606. ASCE. 5 September. http://cedb.asce.org/cgi/WWWdisplay.cgi?0410956 Dawood, N. et al. (2005) “The Virtual Construction Site (VIRCON) Tools: An Industrial Evaluation.” ITcon. Vol. 10 43-54. http://www.itcon.org/cgi-bin/works/Show?2005_5 Heesom, D. and Mahdjoubi, L.. (2004) “Trends of 4D CAD Applications for Construction Planning.” Construction Management and Economics. 22 171-182.. http://www.tamu.edu/classes/choudhury/articles/1.pdf J.P. Zhang, M. Anson and Q. Wang. (2000) “A New 4D Management Approach to Construction Planning and Site Space Utilization.” Proceedings of the Eighth International Conference on Computing in Civil and Building Engineering 279, 3 ASCE. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/40513(279)3. J. H. Kang, S. D. Anderson, M. J. Clayton. (2007) “Empirical Study on the Merit of Web-Based 4D Visualization in Collaborative Construction Planning and Scheduling.” J. Constr. Engrg. and Mgmt. Volume 133, Issue 6, pp. 447-461 ASCE. http://dx.doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9364(2007)133:6(447) Timo Hartmann, Ju Gao and Martin Fischer. (2008) “Areas of Application for 3D and 4D Models.” Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (135: 10): 776-785. Ting Huang, C.W. Kong, H.L. Guo, Andrew Baldwin, Heng Li. (2007) “A Virtual Prototyping System for Simulating Construction Processes.” Automation in Construction, 16:5, 576-585, http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/B6V20-4MFJT9J-1/2/45a7645cc1a6836c45317a012fbc181a Lorenzo Beltrani’s Thesis (2020) Auto Generation of Optimised Construction Site Layout Potential Output Information
2D or 3D site utilization plans
Source: BIM Project Execution Planning Guide, Ver. 2.2 with minor revisions.